RABus trial operation: an instructive start to autonomous driving

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One week after the start of trial operation in the RABus project, the RABus project team is taking stock and is delighted with the high level of public interest. The number of test person registrations is already approaching the waiting list, and the journeys with the autonomous shuttles were booked by an average of 60-80% - a great start!

FKFS is thankful to all project partners of RABus who have made this successful start possible. The focus is now on establishing stable operations that will allow us to collect valuable data on the acceptance and use of the autonomous shuttle. The project team has many exciting questions to answer in order to further develop the technology and adapt it to the needs of users.

We look forward to the coming weeks and are excited to see what findings emerge from direct user feedback and regular driving operations. A big thank you to everyone involved and, above all, to the committed citizens who are part of this project.

You can find more information about the trial and how to register here!



Sabrina Reichert
Ph.: +49 711 685-65857