Porsche opens Technology Leaders event series this summer

Next Monday, April 29, we are going to kick off the new season of our traditional "Technology Leaders" event series with an expert from Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Dr.-Ing: Matthias Lederer, Vice President - Verification and Validation, is going to open the new event series with his presentation "The Future of Testing in Vehicle Development".

As always, after the presentation there will be the opportunity to ask questions, get in touch with Porsche representatives as well as to participate in a small reception.

Venue: Lecture hall 47.02 "Richard Feldtkeller", Pfaffenwaldring 47 in Stuttgart-Vaihingen

Time: Monday, April 29, 6 p.m.


Information about the event series can be found on our website.


Franziska Liedecke
Ph.: +49 711 685-66693