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Driving Dynamics
Driving dynamics is closely associated with the terms driving pleasure, driving safety and driving comfort. Resolving the conflicts between objectives which arise from these design targets requires a detailed examination of the dynamic system "vehicle" and its subsystems, right through to the overall system "driver-vehicle-environment".
At FKFS, we do this by using theoretical and practical investigations. Real and virtual vehicle driving tests, modeling and simulation and subjective-objective correlation supplement each other in turn, ensuring integrated and practice-relevant treatment of all kinds of questions; from concept development, development of control and assistance systems, right through to vehicle benchmarking. The human being is of primary consideration, since the end customer is the ultimate driver of the development process.
- Handling Characteristics
- Modeling and Simulation
- Subjective-Objective-Correlation
- Control and Assistance Systems
- Resources
Handling Characteristics
Road testing is still the standard tool for subjectively evaluating vehicle behavior and for benchmarking vehicles. This is increasingly supplemented by virtual testing in the Stuttgart Driving Simulator. Here, control and assistance systems can be tested with a real driver "in-the-loop", or virtual application work can be made without requiring a real prototype. In turn, these can be enhanced with studies using the Handling Roadway, with which, for the first time, it is possible to investigate the motion of the real vehicle in space under laboratory conditions, with combined longitudinal, lateral and vertical excitation.
Main areas of activity are subjective and objective evaluation of customer and development process-relevant driving properties as well as modeling, parameterization and validation of vehicle and subsystem models.
FKFS has a comprehensive selection of driving dynamics instrumentation. In addition to consulting services, FKFS can equip vehicles with instrumentation and carry out road testing for our customers.
Ph.: +49 711 685-65701
Modeling and Simulation
The model used is of central importance as a basis for every theoretical investigation of vehicle behavior. The use of application-specific models is essential to achieve the optimum balance between image quality and the work required for parameterization. At FKFS we therefore have a wide range of simulation tools available which are well-established in the automotive industry. Software solutions are adapted and supplemented where necessary and combined into a powerful simulation and development environment. Here FKFS' expertise includes
- Full vehicle, subsystem and component models
- Tire and road models
- Driver models
- Environmental models
- Active chassis system
Ph.: +49 711 685-65701
Subjective-Objective Correlation
The better it is known which objective vehicle properties are responsible for the vehicle behavior being subjectively perceived as "comfortable", "sporty" or "safe", the easier it is to direct development work in the desired direction. Thanks to our long years of experience, FKFS can offer focused support in the process of subjective-objective correlation, i.e. the discovery of the interrelationship between an objective vehicle characteristic and the subjective driving impression. Virtual testing is particularly useful for many questions, since it can reproduce the driving situation exactly, and vehicle characteristics are quick and easy to modify.
Ph.: +49 711 685-65701
Control and Assistance Systems
The growing number of control and assistance systems in the vehicle means that vehicle safety and comfort are continuously improving. However, the increase in systems and electrical consumers which can potentially influence each other also results in numerous tasks for the developer.
One priority at FKFS is the design of perceived vehicle properties. The calibration and interaction of active systems with virtual prototypes and real drivers can be investigated safely and efficiently in virtual vehicle tests. In addition, the real prototype can be tested on the vehicle dynamics test bench under laboratory conditions, without any risk to the driver or the surroundings.
Ph.: +49 711 685-65701
The following resources are available at FKFS:
Ph.: +49 711 685-65701