Visit of the Minister Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut to the FKFS

[Translate to en:] Wirtschaftsministerin Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut vor dem Fahrsimulator

[Translate to en:] Wirtschaftsministerin Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut zusammen mit Prof. Andreas Wagner und Prof. Hans-Christian Reuss

As part of the press trip to the transformation of the automotive industry, Economics Minister Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut visited the FKFS today with numerous journalists. In addition to the FKFS, other institutes and companies that will be involved in the transformation were also visited during the course of the day.

At the FKFS, the Minister wanted to find out in particular about automated and networked driving. The presentation by Prof. Hans-Christan Reuss and Prof. Andreas Wagner therefore focused on autonomous driving. The participants could also experience two central research and test facilities of the FKFS - the Stuttgart driving simulator and the new vehicle dynamics test bench - "in action".


Sabrina Reichert
Ph.: +49 711 685-65857