10th Symposium Driving Simulation: Innovation and exchange in Stuttgart

The 10th Symposium Driving Simulation took place at ARENA2036 in Stuttgart on November 6 & 7.

The conference brings together experts from industry and science to present the latest developments in simulation technologies for ADAS, AD and Driving Dynamics as well as sensor simulation, data ecosystems, and standardization. In addition to exciting presentations, the event promotes the exchange between start-ups and publicly funded projects in order to drive innovation and strengthen relationships. FKFS is not only an exhibitor, but also a cooperation partner and plays a key role in the program.

So, for example, gave Dr.-Ing. Gerd Baumann in his keynote speech entitled “Driving Simulator Design and Optimisation based on Customer's Requirements”, a deep insight into how FKFS approaches requirement specification for driving simulator systems. This approach has been approved through multiple projects, where FKFS supported OEMs in specifying the ideal system for their use cases out from a wide range of different driving simulators. This includes the specification of building requirements and software frameworks. 
One of the highlights: Gerd Baumann impressively demonstrated how different types of driving simulators, including their type of visual system, can be simulated in the Stuttgart Driving Simulator

Another great contribution was the presentation by Andreas Dieing on the topic of “Dual Stage Hybrid Steering Model for Realistic Steering Feel in Driving Simulators”, where he explained his innovative approach to generating realistic and valid steering feel.

On the evening of November 6, guests could enjoy an exciting panel discussion on the topic of “Accelerating Innovation - Simulation as an Enabler for Developing and Testing Systems with Higher Levels of Automation and Quality”. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Christian Reuss (FKFS) discussed simulation together with Thomas Guntschnig (MORAI), Boris Kirchner (TRE - Team Rosberg Engineering), Frank Kraemer (IBM) and Tille Karoline Rupp (Porsche Engineering). After the panel discussion, the guests moved on to FKFS, where they visited and experienced live the Stuttgart Driving Simulator.



Sabrina Reichert
Ph.: +49 711 685-65857