Second day of the 1st Conference Powertrains for Renewable Fuels successfully completed

On the second day of the 1st Conference Powertrains for Renewable Fuels several more highlights were scheduled.

Keynote by Matthias Maedge, NGVA Europe

Keynote by Ulrich Kramer, Ford Werke GmbH

Keynote by Karl Dums, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

The morning started with the keynote by Matthias Maedge, NGVA Europe on "The Gas Engine - Current Perspectives". Mr. Maedge explained that BioMethane is the key to decarbonization for the commercial vehicle market. In one scenario, he calculated that there is potential for up to 20% biomethane for vehicles of over 3.5t in 2050, which would lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

In the afternoon, the keynote address was given by Dr. Ulrich Kramer, Ford Werke GmbH. In his presentation "Efficient Pathways to Defossilize European Mobility in 2050 - Cradle-to-Grave Analysis Based on the Results of the FVV Fuel Study IV b”, he explained that e-fuels offer a unique technological option for climate-neutral operation of the existing fleet: backward-compatible fuels such as synthetic gasoline and synthetic diesel enable rapid defossilization of the existing fleet once these fuels are available on a large scale.

In the subsequent keynote address on "eFuels: From the Lab to the World", Karl Dums, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, reported on the fuel production plant implemented in Chile, which uses wind power to produce methanol and then eFuels. Porsche is comitted in Chile because the company sees this as an opportunity to achieve its own defossilization goals, on the one hand, and as a benefit for the rapid reduction of global fossil CO2 emissions on the other.

With these state-of-the-art insights, the 1st Conference Powertrains for Renewable Fuels comes to a close. We would like to thank our plenary speakers and presenters for their high-quality contributions and Kistler for supporting the event.


If you missed the event but would like to join us for the next edition, sign up for the mailing here!


Sabrina Reichert
Ph.: +49 711 685-65857