Shanghai-Stuttgart-Symposium "Automotive and Powertrain Technology" with top-class keynotes

Already for the 6th time, the Shanghai-Stuttgart-Symposium "Automotive and Powertrain Technology" will take place in Shanghai on December 1 and 2, 2022. 

As the current travel restrictions still do not allow to enter China without further ado, the program will be broadcast online again this year. Furthermore, in addition to the on-site presentations, speakers from Germany will also give their presentations online. This format enables FKFS, IFS and Tongji University, in cooperation with Messe Nanjing, to maintain their long-standing scientific relationships and the high-quality format of the joint Shanghai-Stuttgart Symposium.

So be there  live at your computer on December 1 and 2, when 48 scientific presentations will be given on the latest developments from Germany and China on the

core themes
•    Intelligent Vehicle
•    Transformation to Future Powertrain
•    Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics

and join the discussion via video transmission!

In addition, there will be five exciting keynotes by top-class speakers and a panel discussion on the topic of "Future Development and Application of Toolkits for the Automotive Industry".

Register now - the participation fee for online participation is only 83€.


All information on the Shanghai-Stuttgart-Symposium can be found here.


Sabrina Reichert
Ph.: +49 711 685-65857